
Steel Production

Calcined Lime is used by the steel industry to remove silica and other impurities like Sulphur from steel by formation of slag during melting process. A high quality of lime is essential to ensure minimum residual undesirable elements and to improve life of furnace lining.


Calcined lime is used to make precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), a chemically-formed calcium carbonate particle which is used as filler in paper. PCC improves the optical properties of paper and decreases the amount of pulp needed to make paper, subsequently reducing the number of trees needed.


Quicklime is used in glass production as a flux for modifying devitrification and viscosity along with increasing the final product durability and chemical wear resistance.

Water Treatment

Drinking water treatment
Calcined lime is use to soften water by removing carbonate and non-carbonate hardness. This purifies the water for consumption, provides better tasting water and allows soap products to lather readily.
Industrial waste water treatment
Lime can be used in industrial waste water treatment to soften process or boiler feed water, precipitate metals and non-metals and to adjust pH with membrane treatment.
Lime based products are also used in industrial waste water treatment to stabilize biosolids by killing pathogens, viruses and reducing vector attraction to produce high quality agricultural fertilizer.
Finally, lime based products are used in industrial waste water treatment for nutrient control of phosphorus, as lime precipitates phosphorous to very low levels without biological treatment.

Mining Industry

Mineral Concentration
Both quicklime and hydrated lime are widely used in the flotation or recovery of many non-ferrous ores — in particular, copper ore flotation in which lime acts as a depressant (settling aid) and maintains proper alkalinity in the flotation circuit. In the recovery of mercury from cinnabar, lime is used to remove sulfur. Lime is also used in the flotation of zinc, nickel, and lead bearing ores.
Lime is also extensively used in the recovery of gold and silver in the cyanide leaching process to curtail the loss of cyanide, a costly dissolution reagent, and for pH control. Lime has several functions in this process, most notably it maintains proper pH in the cyanide solution, thereby keeping it in the liquid phase, preventing the formation of hydrogen cyanide gas and its loss into the atmosphere.
Alumina & Bauxite
Quicklime is used in varying amounts to remove silica from bauxite ore and for causticization in the manufacture of’ alumina where lime is required for desilification. The amount of lime used depends largely on the quality of the bauxite.
Lime is used to produce metallic magnesium. In thermal reduction techniques, magnesium oxide from dolomitic quicklime is reduced with ferrosilicon at high temperatures. This process produces a gaseous magnesium which is ultimately condensed. Lime can also be used in electrolytic processes of magnesium production.
Other non-ferrous application
In the smelting and refining of copper, zinc, lead, and other non-ferrous ores, noxious gas fumes of SO2 can be neutralized by passing them through a scrubber with “milk-of-lime” (diluted hydrated lime in an aqueous suspension) to avert the formation of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere as well as the corrosion of plant equipment. After smelting nickel, the nickel is precipitated in a boiling solution with “milk-of-lime.” In the electrolytic refining of copper, cathode sheets are dipped in lime water to protect them from sulfur in the “melting down” process. Some plants use lime to reduce zinc chloride from galvanizing skimmings, reclaiming zinc hydroxide in the process. Substantial quantities of quicklime are used as a flux in the manufacture of low-carbon and ferro chromes.
Lime is employed in uranium beneficiation mills operating acid leach systems. Lime neutralizes the acidic waste effluent before discharge.
In the concentration of rock phosphate, lime is used to precipitate the build-up of waste fluorine.

Leather Process

Liming is a process used for parchment or leather processing, in which hides are soaked in an alkali solution. It is performed using a drum and paddle or a pit.


Calcined lime optimizes your soil condition by improving its physical properties, such as: pH, structure, water infiltration and retention, drainage, and aeration. Our high grade calcined lime provide long-term solution for ensuring maximum crop output, which translates into more product for you to sell.